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Thanks for supporting The Haven!

Your donation provides much needed aftercare for our survivors!

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The Haven was established to provide a place of refuge and safety for female adolescent victims of human trafficking and exploitation.

Through Christ Centered Connection we provide Hope, Empowerment, and Restoration!

Here for HER

Why is the Haven needed?

99% of victims trafficked or exploited are female (IBLA, 2019)
The Issue

The Department of Justice declared Houston one of the most intense human trafficking jurisdictions in the country.

Most victims of human trafficking do not self-identify and most acts of trafficking go un-reported.

It is estimated that 75,000 youth are trafficked annually with very few beds available in programs that specialize in providing care for Commercial Sexually Exploited Youth.

How we help

We provide a long-term restorative program of care, counseling, medical treatment, therapy, and education.

While others might talk about the issue....we are doing something about it!